Friday, January 4, 2013


If your sitting at home and you either have a worthless job, a job you don't give two shits about and you would rather kill yourself than continue to work, or your afraid to take the next step toward greater things in life because you wont be comfortable and secure, or your just plain flat broke and down and out, or maybe you don't even care to get up in the morning because your life just plain sucks that bad, then this is a blog for you.

"you can have what you want or you can have excuses, but you can't have both" -Someone

If something comes up in your life that you really would like to do, yet it is uncomfortable, do it.  Comfort is just bullshit it doesn't help you advance in life or better yourself.  It just makes you complacent and comfortable with being another average mediocre Joe.  Now there is nothing wrong with being average but if you have to ability to be something greater but you simply won't do it because it's uncomfortable then your just being a big pussy, you need to pull your fucking skirt up and get your shit going.  Whether you want to except it or not every normal human being has the potential to be godly.  Keep bettering yourself and achieve your potential jackass you owe it to yourself.

"God is Love. Whoever Lives in Love, Lives in God, and God in him" -Somewhere in the Bible

Now Picture your dream,  maybe your a kid and you want to be the next great song artist, maybe your fifty years old and you just want ownership of a business doing what you love to do instead of listening to your boss tell you how to live your life.  Either way, get a clear picture of what you want to do and start visualizing, writing, and imagining the dream in its completion,  Don't worry about how its going to happen just imagine what its going to be like and have some fucking faith damn it.

Ask. Believe. Receive.

Post Pictures and your ideas about what you want to do, and everyday look at it, improve it, get the image clear in your head and believe its going down.  Then as time goes on and you start to see your dream coming into form, post it, write about it and tell others about your amazing transformation from a lame asshole to someone who is excited to be alive and living their dream.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" -Einstein

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